What Are the Symptoms of an Ocular Migraine?

A woman pinching the bridge of her nose because she has an ocular migraine An ocular migraine (retinal migraine) is a temporary visual disturbance. It can affect one or both eyes.

While less common than typical migraines, ocular migraines primarily impact vision and may or may not cause head pain. Recognizing the symptoms is key to understanding this condition and seeking appropriate care.

Visual Disturbances (Aura)

The hallmark symptom of an ocular migraine is a visual disturbance (aura). It can include flashing lights or flickering spots. These are bright, shimmering lights or geometric patterns that can appear in your field of vision.

Another one is blind spots (scotomas). Scotomas are small areas of blurred or missing vision. They gradually enlarge to affect more of your visual field.

Moreover, some individuals experience a narrowing of their peripheral vision (tunnel vision). This can cause the sensation of looking through a tunnel. These visual symptoms generally last between 10 to 30 minutes.

In some cases, an ocular migraine can lead to temporary vision loss in one eye. This symptom can be alarming, but it resolves within an hour. You should seek medical attention promptly if the vision loss is prolonged or affects both eyes.

Headache and Eye Discomfort

While ocular migraines frequently occur without a headache, some people have a migraine headache before, during, or after the visual symptoms. This headache can occur on one side of the head and is frequently accompanied by nausea, sensitivity to light, and noise.

Mild eye discomfort, such as aching or a feeling of pressure around the eyes, may occur during or after an ocular migraine. It is not the same as the intense pain of a typical migraine. However, it can cause some discomfort.

When to Seek Medical Attention

Though ocular migraines usually resolve without lasting effects, a healthcare professional should evaluate recurring symptoms or severe vision loss. Ocular migraines are rare and can sometimes be mistaken for more serious conditions like retinal detachment or stroke. Because of this, you should get proper medical advice right away.

Book Your Ocular Migraine Treatment in Chesapeake, VA

Ocular migraines can be a temporary yet unsettling experience. If you’re experiencing visual disturbances, blind spots, or temporary vision loss, call us at 757-484-0101 and schedule an appointment with Southside Eye Care. 


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