It may seem obvious to you that your eyes aren’t fully developed when you’re born. Of course, the eyes are there, but all of the parts aren’t working perfectly yet. As your eyes adjust to real life, they get better at following moving objects and more. In fact, did you know that we can’t see color until we’re between five and eight months old?
During this time, it’s important to watch for red, extremely watery eyes, or eyes that are sensitive to light. If you have a baby with any of those issues, it’s a good idea to bring them in for an appointment.
Around preschool age, your hand-eye coordination is much better since you’ve had more time to learn and fine-tune that skill. During this age, lazy eyes or crossed eyes may become more obvious, and it’s important to treat them as soon as you find those issues. Signs your child might have vision problems at this age include coordination issues, sensitivity to light, and holding objects too closely.
Many of us find out that we need glasses around this time of life. Struggling to read the board was a sure-fire sign back in the day, but now it’s important to watch out for damage from the bright lights that most electronics have. Computer and phone-use should be monitored so kids can maintain healthy vision.
Though you might feel like your vision is stable here, it may not last forever. Eat to support your eyes, and make sure to wear sunglasses to avoid damage from the sun. If you work on a computer, make sure to take frequent breaks and look outside for a few minutes.
Around age forty, our eyes start to age. If you have genetic links, illness, or put your eyes under a lot of strain for work, complications might show up around this time.
Around age sixty, signs of macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy, and retinal detachment start to show up.
No matter how old you are, it’s important to maintain the health of your eyes. Call us today at (757) 484-0101 to schedule a consultation.